Acne Health Record Software

Keeping health records can be beneficial for people with acne as it allows them to track their symptoms, triggers, medications, lab tests, and procedures over time. By maintaining a health journal, individuals can gain valuable insights into their acne patterns, identify potential triggers, and better understand the effectiveness of various treatments.

Symptoms such as the appearance and severity of acne lesions, inflammation, and pain can be recorded to monitor progress or changes. Triggers like dietary factors, stress levels, hormonal changes, or certain skincare products can also be documented to identify potential connections between flare-ups and specific triggers. Additionally, tracking lab test results, such as hormone levels or inflammation markers, can provide additional information for healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans.

Sample health journal entries that can be entered into Goopatient*:
Date: July 28, 2023
I have been consistently following my skincare routine, which includes using a gentle #cleanser, #moisturizer, and #sunscreen daily. However, I also noticed that my skin felt drier than usual after using a new exfoliating face wash yesterday, so I will discontinue it to see if that helps improve my skin's condition.
Today, I noticed an increase in #acne_breakouts, particularly on my forehead and chin. Some of the papules appear inflamed and painful to touch.
I suspect that #stress may be a contributing factor as I've been feeling overwhelmed with work and personal responsibilities lately. I also ate a lot of dairy products yesterday, which may have worsened my acne.
This morning, I applied my prescribed topical medication containing #benzoyl_peroxide to affected areas after cleansing my face.
I measured my #stress levels using a stress scale and rated it as moderate.
*These health records are not real, but compiled by Dr. Mike Stanton of the UCLA Health Center. The data that you put in Goopatient is totally private and stored only on your computer.